Sakile Properties

Ascend to Exceptional Living

Why Choose Sakile

A Brand of Kenya Power Pension Fund


Years of Experience


Commercial Properties Developed


Vertically Integrated Team


Residential Units Constructed


Apartment Units in Current Development


Standing close to our customers

K. Mwangoji

The purchase experience was extremely smooth. The team on the ground was highly professional. All my inquiries were answered expeditiously. And the team was accommodative of many of my requests. They displayed a thorough understanding of the product. All in all, the purchase process was a breeze. Highly recommended and a pleasure to do business with.

Marketing Communications

K. Chadeka

The sales team is generally pleasant and very professional with thorough product knowledge. They generally understand neighborhood and housing industry trends in Kenya, what is currently on offer in the market, and would guide you through comparable houses in the market. They have a payment plan and guide us on the selection of the unit we took up and moved in at the end of 2021.


Unparalleled Affordable Luxury & Style

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